
Why every freelancer should have a personal site

Martyna Anna Sadowy


January 23, 2024

In today's growing gig economy, where freelancers utilize their creative skills as graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, copywriters, and multi-talented professionals, having a personal website is no longer a luxury but a vital necessity. The digital world has transformed how we work, and a strong online presence can be the key to opening up more opportunities for freelancers. In this blog post, I will talk about some of the reasons why every freelancer should consider investing in a personal website. I will emphasize the importance of showcasing their skills, building credibility, and navigating through the competitive freelance landscape.

Professional credibility

In the freelancing world, where first impressions are often made digitally, a personal website can act as both your virtual resume and portfolio. It showcases your skills and achievements, which can help potential clients or employers take you more seriously. And on top of that, having a personal website allows you to create a portfolio of your best work and demonstrate your expertise with real-life examples.

According to a recent survey, 80% of businesses consider a personal website as an important factor when evaluating job candidates. This means that recruiters are likely to search for you online, and having a personal website that showcases your story can make a significant difference in setting you apart from other candidates.

Makes an impression

Freelancers need to stand out from the competition to attract clients and succeed. A personal website allows freelancers to present their personality, tell their story, and highlight their unique skills. Whether you're an illustrator or a photographer, you can leverage a personal website to build a better picture of your capabilities and yourself as a candidate.

Full creative control

As a freelancer, you have to build your own brand and showcase it to the world. That's why it's essential to have a personal website that you can fully control. Your website should enable you to choose the color schemes, layout, and design that reflect your unique style and professional values. Your website serves as the central hub where potential clients and collaborators can get an authentic sense of who you are, what you stand for, and what you can offer.

For example, Framer is a powerful tool that allows you to build entire websites without writing any code. Click here to check out some of our favorite templates.


Personal websites can offer much more than social media profiles or a Behance page. By integrating features like a blog, an online store, or a contact form, freelancers can not only build a stronger personal brand, but also diversify their income streams and attract new opportunities. For instance, a copywriter could offer downloadable resources or an e-book on their website, while a graphic designer might sell custom-designed goods. In addition, having a blog enables freelancers to share insights, industry trends, and case studies, positioning themselves as thought leaders in their niche.

That's why…

Having a personal website can be extremely beneficial for freelancers. It allows them to shape their own narrative and build credibility, while also opening up a wide range of opportunities beyond social media profiles and platforms like Behance. Whether you're a graphic designer or a copywriter, having a personal website is a smart investment in your professional journey. Remember: in a world where digital impressions matter, a personal website is the key to making a lasting and impactful impression.

If you're thinking about creating a personal website of your very own, or if you need some other guidance like online courses on how to do it, check out the examples below that hit the nail on the head.

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